Our staff is an all ages eclectic cross-section of a passionate outdoor community: backpackers, climbers, runners, skiers, daydreamers…
Ben Rockis
Ben is the heart and owner of Backcountry Experience. With 30 years serving the outdoor industry, Ben is the guy everyone comes to see, whether it’s for custom insoles, the perfect pack fit or to fix their water filter, he is the man. He has been the subject of trade magazine articles, he has been on numerous trade show panels to discuss independent retailers in the outdoor industry and he is a mentor for start ups across the outdoors business landscape. Ask anyone in the industry and they’ll tell you, no one does it like Ben Rockis.
Brandon Mathis
Brandon has been roaming around the Four Corners for decades, landing as the marketing manager for Backcountry Experience. With a creative knack and a history in writing, video and photography, he stays on the sharp end of creating materials that reflect the vibe of the shop. With mileage in a variety of adventurous endeavors, Brandon is currently immersed in trail running, drop-bar mountain biking and finding the perfect pecan roast morning coffee.
Ari Schermer
When it comes to keeping our inventory under control, receiving new product and creating clever workflows for ordering and data management, Ari holds the reigns of our entire operations department. Not only is he a tireless and devoted explorer of the Weminuche Wilderness, but also a inspired trail runner, a gifter climber, and a talented musician. Keep an eye out around town.
Crystal Foster
Crystal came to Durango with her family of four after spending ten years in the concrete jungle of Denver. Sad to leave behind family and friends, it was time for some fresh air and natural beauty. Crystal brings a fun-loving attitude and positive outlook to Backcountry Experience while managing the entire store.
To kick off 2024, Crystal and her crew are traveling the world. First stop? Australia. Keep up with us on social and emails and we’ll keep you posted on her adventures.